Manifest of an application.

The manifest is a special file that contains information about a micro application. A micro application declares its intentions and capabilities in its manifest file. The manifest needs to be registered in the host application.


  • Manifest


baseUrl?: string

URL to the application root. The URL can be fully qualified, or a path relative to the origin under which serving the manifest file. If not specified, the origin of the manifest file acts as the base URL. The platform uses the base URL to resolve microfrontends such as activator endpoints. For a Single Page Application that uses hash-based routing, you typically specify the hash symbol (#) as the base URL.

capabilities?: Capability[]

Functionality which this application provides that qualified apps can call via intent.

intentions?: Intention[]

Functionality which this application intends to use.

name: string

The name of the application, e.g. displayed in the DevTools.

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